'The Five': Americans now say this is the biggest public health threat

Hi Greg :) You are making sense brother, here is an advise for you brother, when you explain this idea to some hard headed folks you need to go to fully explain the idea for them, decriminalizing, offering free drugs to them, outside town, all these come with tons of benefits, NOT costs, but benefits, first of all, with free drugs to the addicts means, you have bankrupt all criminal benefactors around the trade, meaning no more drug traders from the biggest to the smallest in town and in the country, in other words no more of your tax dollars getting in the hands of those who would profit and reinvest those mega profits in other illicit illegal businesses inside and outside the country, can you imagine the benefits of this move ? and it also means instead of hiring 200 more cops you need 2000 less cops to patrol the streets, because addicts dont need to commit crimes to get their hands of their much needed drugs, it also means less people in prisons, it means local business can start thriving again when all the addicts are outside town in a nice safe parks created for them where they can ONLY get their free drugs at. You see beating down the addicts like the judge is suggesting we have tried that and it just doesnt yield results, 96% of the addicts after they get released from prisons will on the same day go back to their old way of life, we know this, its established facts, so beating them down wont work, we have to try something else and I have suggested what to do, but one has to go all the way, NOT just decriminalizing drugs and other half measured suggestions, you have to go all the way, and for this idea t work one cannot just implement it in one state alone, it has to be a nationwide initiative because otherwise all the addicts will migrate to that state that has implemented my idea, like in California where all the lowlifes from all other state get to because of the weather, you want all the bumms to remain in their own states and have access to rehabs centers where they are and where their families are for support as well, its very important to have that emotional support.
Look it this way Greg my buddy, never mind what these other nay sayers say, do it for your country, you wanna save it or not, this is the way to solv half of your countrys problems, any nation have nowadays so many issues to solve they dont know where to start because of all these distractions, people come with ideas to solve this or that issue which half of them are workable but one need to start somewhere, I am telling you to start with this one, the beautiful thing with this one is, it wont cost you a penny, not a penny, instead from DAY ONE you will get return investment on just the work you have put into it, not even monetary, can it get better than this ?? so do your people a favor and get started brother !!! what are you waiting for.
