The luciferian NWO is hard at work, they have divided the world through religions its countless of denominations and they are after our kids, we must resist, we must put our differences aside and unite or I fear it will be too late, its never too late but what I fear is the further we fall behind the more painful it will be to rise up and rectify all the many mistakes, please realize the danger of hiding from the facts that this NWO is on march and soon it will have almost full control of everything, it basically has already, thats the sad part, but God still leaves a door open for us to save ourselves, we have to save ourselves, this is how God has made things to be, He wont save us no one will but we ourselves, we allowed things to get this bad and only we with the mercy of God can save ourselves, we have to take the first steps for Him to open present more opportunities for us to walk through, the path in my view is clear, if we dont mature and realize the humanity in all of us as indented divided we fall, and we have fallen to new record low, during the previous world wars, the flow of information was heavily restricted, we have no excuse now, today we have more than everything we need to turn this around yet we are sleep walking, we are under attack friends, praised are those hardcore truth tellers with all their flaws, you need to do more step up a few levels and do what you do best, better you can do with he message of unity against the NWO.
