“Time to Legalize All Drugs” - Rogan & PBD Discuss

The proper way of thing this is not just to decriminalize all drugs, one has to produce it all locally as well, but in the hands of the state, no private entity, the production of the drugs are basically costless, in this way not a penny goes in the hands of organize crime with all the benefits that comes with it, the state then only provide needed amount to only those willing to register themselves as addicts, like a heroin addict gets 2 grams of heroin a day, they will get it for free but under certain condition, outside town, a free town will be built for them outside town like a park with some facilities where they can use their drugs in safety there with cops walking amongst them, it will be a peaceful place for the addicts because they dont have to fight over drugs or anything or to commit crimes, the huge benefits for society will be immeasurable, with all the tax money saved one can in the same place outside town provide first class rehab centers too and other things they need, the benefits doesnt end there, because they have to register themselves as addicts before they can get free drugs, which those who already are will of course and with no more illegal drugs in society but one place outside town, if a naive dumb kid wants to lets say try heroin, no register addict will give from his own limited supply offer that dumb kid of his own heroin, but will tell the kid to go and get his own free heroin, and I predict not many kids will willingly go and register themselves as addicts to get free heroin and with no one else to provide him that, the number of new added addicts will decrease year after year and after the old addicts are gone we have basically eliminated heavy drug use in society, problem solved, I understand why good folks like Joe and David here only suggest half measured solution because no one but me actually wants to come with the full solution to the problem, nobody want to say we should give free heroin to addicts, I am suggeting going all the way to solve the issue of drug use and basically end the drug trade and organized crime and also give the middle finger to pharmaceutical companies.
Does any of what I said here make sense to you or am I the only one making sense of it all ??
People need to popularize this idea, the sooner we start the sooner we can put an end to this global major problem and save generations of people, in fact save the world, dont you wanna do that or you dont care enough to even start talking about the solution, elected officials wont ever raise this solution because they are all paid and bought for, its up to you to do your part and be part of the solution, good luck.
