Tomi Lahren explains why this candidate won the debate | Ben Domenech Po...

I'll tell you why I jumped on the conservative wagon this time, I am not loyal to any country, I am loyal to the cause, I see a threat to all mankind instead of one country vs another, staying loyal to a cause keeps you grounded and more focused to the major threat to all of us, this threat to mankind is global as most of you have realized, the Luciferians are seeking a totalitarian global dictatorship and they have gained too much ground in my view, we have to stand up against that and in order to do that we need every single able body around the world that are willing to stand up against this global conspiracy to enslave all of us, right now in the US it seems to me that only those on the conservative side are willing to speak about this global threat to all of us, the left or most of them have fallen for the spell of these little devils, I dont hear much of them, so naturally because I stand up for the cause I urge all those reading this do what I have done and come over to the side that stands for universal freedoms that are sustainable and dont fall for the false promises that has devastated society in which we all live under, like the cashless society, its already here !!! here in Europe at least, we also need to make sure not one single new war is started, not single one, it means, ending all wars regardless of who started what first, and its complicated I know, I DONT blame one side over the other, I know Nato made promises not to expand which they broke, this is also true, regardless, the point here is to as we stand here right now all wars has to stop and not continue another day, and another point is to stand up against everything the World Economic Forum and those criminals stand for, if they want this or that we have to directly oppose whatever they recommend, because they have proven to be the enemy of humanity and everything at least I stand for, so of course I oppose them, I also am for abolishing all their institutions in other words, everything they propose we have to oppose, its that simple, its that simple.
I think time has come for all of us people of faith to support one another like our holy scriptures has stated and recommended, we share the same values this one is clear and because of that the Luciferians are doing everything they can to keep us divided so naturally we should start to smart up and unite under the same banner, look lets not forget, we are the majority, we are the 99% we can take them down, we can defeat them and God willing we shall, but I would like to see it sooner rather than later in this way we can help save more souls, wake up more souls that doesnt need to fall before they get the chance to rise up on their feets and become productive members of society, we can still wake up from this nightmare, we can still compose lovely songs and not revisit their flawed arguments, we can still fall in love with humanity and not distance ourselves from our higher potentials, we can still !!!
