Watch What Happens When Trump Voters Meet Muslims for First Time (UNBELI...

Thank you CJ for the video, I think the time is approaching where people realize unity among God fearing people is more constructive than the propaganda from those who would rather like to see mankind divided into meaningless little pieces, and I mean God fearing NOT in the extreme sense of the word, God fearing as the Lord has describes is always the middle path, God doesnt like anything extreme otherwise His creation would have chaotic which is not, we should reflect the beauty in His creation and we can witness that with these two nice individuals in the video.
As I have said, I have met many MAGA folks in the US and I found them to be at least those I met very nice people, genuinely nice people, one just need t sit down and talk to them, they also need to sit down to talk to in this case nutcase Muslims, just kidding, we all have out nutcases thank God they are very few, I mean truth be told if you ask a Muslim how many actual extremists they know many would say they have never even met one or know one, I am actually talking about nutcases who wants to blow up things and stuff like that, what both in this case MAGA and Muslims would say, they know a whole lot of people that are are angry at whats going on and not of their doing, this should be a good reason for MAGA folks and Muslims to come closer together and look for what is the actual cause of why both parties are angry at the situation and I bet they will come to the same conclusion, the problem lies with those who are financially profiting from division, the constant warmongers, its as simple as that, less money for the warmongers means more peace and prosperity among those who would want to live in peace and thats the message of all Abrahamic religions, so steam ahead CJ do what you do best buddy.
