Canada’s house speaker apologises after praising Ukrainian veteran of Na...

I am directing this to all Jews reading this, by God trust me when I say, I am your best friend, but I am a kind of friend that have no intention to mislead and lead other friends into a well, I am reaching out to lift you up but you have to be reachable while my hand is always reached out to you, I am also critical towards those I see to mislead you some times unintentionally other times intentionally I understand the dynamics of whats going on and I am trying to warn you for your own good, look my Jewish friend, the worst of enemies the most dangerous ones are always those of your own rather some outsider, those who look like you speak like you and know what to say to you to mislead you, for their own benefits, so what does this has to do with anything, I am telling you although Zelensky is a Jew himself, think about it, how come an Ukrainian Jew is leading a bunch of dirty Ukrainian Nazi sympathizers, these are all established facts, its not a theory, and how come when you Israelis or Jews for that matter say your intelligence services are the best and know everything they have kept their mouths shut about this topic, look if Iran had Nazis in its higher ranks and a whole lot of them Israeli media would have been all over it but for some reason around this issue its a total blackout in the mainstream media, not a word, why is that you think, because I thought Nazis are the worst thing ever am I wrong, why are they not mentioning it and this scandal with two Nazis Zelensky and their other SS Nazi, he wasnt even a regular Nazi but a SS Nazi and you want to make me believe the Canadian intelligence services were not aware of it and parlament members were not informed about it, c mon dont be naive, the only reason Justin Castro Trudeau and others said they are "embarrassed" its because it got exposed they got exposed and now they are forced to backtrack their earlier statements, I am telling you my dear Jewish friends, the Third Reich is alive and well, the same families behind it they are still around and want to continue bringing about their satanic NWO, with total surveillance with a cashless society and poisonous foods vaccines and the rest of it, your elected officials are not looking after your best interrest, we are in deep shit I know, there is only one way out of this, GLOBAL UNITY a unified global force against the NWO, this is the road to salvation.
