G20's Hidden Agenda: Digital ID and CBDC Initiatives

The world is forced soon into a fully totalitarian dictatorship, what these criminals need a someone to convince the citizens of all these G20 nations to accept this dictatorship, this would make things much simpler and easier for them but I dont think they necessarily need to go that route they can do it in any case I think if they have to as long as mankind is dumbed down to the extend we have become, we are in deep shit if you ask me, people are distracted with all their local conflicts they dont have the will to see the bigger picture and thats when these globalists strike and take over little by little and soon they have taken over all that there is to take, We must keep it simple ourselves by strongly stand by a very few principles like, say absolute no to digitization of currency, zero trust of their mainstream media, no wars anywhere, basically whatever the corrupt politicians wants you to do, you do the exact opposite, it shouldnt be harder than this keep it simple friends, and if you want my solutions to all our problems, we must all reach out to the Creator of all things the All Knowing the All Powerful the All Wise to send the help we all need to defeat the corrupt ones, this essentially what we all need to do, because the only one that can help us is God, if we are left to our devises you all can see what we have created, chaos, this is what we are best at, we create to destroy not create to keep, this is our nature, salvation is with reaching out and pray for assistance, if you like I believe there is a All Seeing Creator, this is the one we all need to humbly beg for reach back to us with a helping hand, I fear if we dont reach out we will fall father down the rabbit hole getting out then will be much more painful, you know my dear friends, in Scriptures we were told this would happen, and we are advice not to cooperate with this end time luciferian system, if you believe that you would listen, and if you dont believe these scriptures you better believe your own eyes, I hope you see where they are taking us, you do see that I hope, so join the resistance and do your part, you owe it to yourself and those you hold dear to you, spread the word and do your part, good luck.
