Hillary Clinton swipes at Trump, Putin during portrait unveiling

He and those like her are incredibly just stupid, she think she drove two small Scandinavian countries to join their Nato thats her idiotic argument, what these idiots dont realize because they live in tier own little echo chambers as you all can see whatever stupid in her mind clever arguments these other idiots in that room cheered her on, what she dont want to acknowledge is that they pushed Russia closer to China and other countries also at the same time because of her nonsensical stupid arguments which she finds so clever citizens of her own country and many western counties can see through the lies and turn them against those warmongers like herself, she is in fact strengthening Russia China and others while weakening herself with what these idiots are doing, and they still cant understand why they lose elections and why decent is growing at home front, what an absolute idiot, I think she is just butthurt for working all her life to become president and the opportunity she lost, well who can blame this witch, she is so out of touch during her campaign she was telling people if she got elected she would wage war with Russia, I mean how dumb do you have to be, I know why, these people again live in their own closed echo chambers and dont even want to step outside to take the temperature even for a little while and with only yes men around them telling them what they want to hear, you get what you get, absolute morons.
