In pic named Sultan Kudarat you can clearly see I was heating straightly westward and suddenly I turned north to a small village called Sultan Kudarat, the reason of this sudden change of course was the night before when I was forced to use my diesel engine after no winds in sail at the same time the currents was pushing me back eastwards, so I started my engine, during the night a piece of floating plastic got sucked into my cooling intake and managed to make a small leak of water getting mixt with fuel with white smoke as result, I stopped the engine after it was losing power so I was forced to seek safe harbor as it is called at the nearest shore which was Sultan Kudarat, I stayed there for less than 72 hours after I couldnt find any facility to make repairs, I visited the mayors office and was given I quote 'their blessing' I also visited the port authorities and same thing there were given their blessings, I was told if I could take myself to a the city of Zamboanga there I could find something, my engine still worked if I didnt push it and I could only get it started with ether start gas which I had in my boat, there were no winds or very little at the same time that the currents were from west to east and west I was heading.

Now go to the picture named South east of Langil Island, right at the blue dot in the middle of the map my engine finally gave up and I had only my sail to navigate and around those islands there is a lot of traffic with both local fishing boats and large freighters navigating between Basilan Island and Zamboanga city, it was getting dark and a storm was developing and I was tired, I was already being awake for two days by then, I knew things are going slowly and I will be forced to stay awake for another day while the weather was getting really nasty, I mean nasty with heavy rain which restrict your vision to navigate in a trafficated shipping lane, so with all luck I got close to Langil Island and at the south east side of it I late at night managed to drop anchor, I was lucky because right at that time the storm hit the area coming in from west, I was pretty protected anchoring at the east side of the island as you can see, I finally could take a breather, those Islands are underdeveloped they basically dont even have electricity, I anchored fifty meters from the shore, next moring the weather was perfect, I woke up stepped on outside and saw two youngsters with their little bamboo boats circulating my boat, I wasnt feeling threatened and as nice of a guy I am I invited them onboard, they couldnt speak a word of English, after 30 minutes or so another guy approached speeding towards us, he was friendly and spoke very good English, he asked what was going on, I explained I had engine problems and was forced to seek shelter behind this island from the storm of last night, he said he was with the military and we would go back to radio his boss to get over and help out, I thanked him and off his way he was, 20 minutes later he got back with another guy now both of them were wearing military outfits with machineguns and grenades the whole shebang, he said the military is on its way and everything was cool, I noticed these two youngsters were getting nervous for some reason, soon after a larger fishing vessel came by from Sibago Island next door, you can google it its a mile away, they towed me to their island and were very friendly, they took me to the mayor the chieftain of the island, the chieftain didnt look very happy at all and some around him as well, I didnt pay much attention to that, his wife and daughter and others were friendly, soon after two military boats with 15 marines fully armed came along with a handful of officials to ask my why I was there and so on, and I told them what I am telling you here what happened, they towed me to Zamboanga city naval base as you can see in picture Mayor of Basilan Island, there I was told by naval intelligence what was really going on wich I was unaware of. I was told this early morning when the chieftain of Langil Island learned that a foreigner was anchoring right outside his island, he contacted Jihadi terrorists on Basilan Island to ask how much they would pay him to kidnap me, the navy was listening in and got to me before they did, the thing was that the chieftain of Sibago Island wanted his share too, they are all Jihadi friendly over there, and that was why he wasnt very happy for me to be taken to his island he was ordered by the navy because he was for some reason a lesser of a Jihadi than the chieftain of Langil Island so people wanted me as far away from Langil as possible, the navy brought the mayor of Basilan Island to negotiate with the chieftain of Sibago not to do anything stupid, the guy you see the civilian one with the white mask on in the picture named Mayor of Basilan Island, now I am at the naval base and was told I would get a new head gasket for my engine then I could continue with what I was doing, they kept me in the base for two whole weeks and I thought this was strange, I understood something is going on behind the scene, later on I was told the Buerau of Immigration wants to keep me for a while, for three weeks I was told and I was going to get transfer to Bicutan gulag center, three weeks turned into a whole year.

Before I was transferred we signed a letter that stated my boat we in their (safe keeping) till I get it back, they of course didnt keep their promise, because they are a bunch of dirty thieves, in pic 1 you can see my boat docked at a peer, already damaged at the aft with solar panels wind turbine stolen and the haul damaged from hitting on something from the back, thats not the point, the point is I want to show you the boat was docking because later these criminals that wanted to steal everything from inside the boat, and I had much expensive stuff in it, a bluewater sailboat fully sustainable vessel is always fully equipped with everything you need, these stuff  is tempting for any thief to get his hands on and the Philippine navy personnel is no different because they are pirates with no honor, so they undocked the boat and let it float to shore as you can see in the pic 2 to have a reason to get inside the boat and now its empty of everything of value, let me remind you this happened at a naval base with only naval personnel having access to the place, now the boat is absolutely worthless and they know I wont fly to fucking Phillipines to recover anything, this was all planned so they did what they did, first waste a year of my life and stealing my boat in the process, as if I am a helpless nobody that cant harm them back, this time they fucked with the wrong man, as I have state in the past, I reserve the privilege to return the favor in any shape or form I chooses, they Phillipine authorities should have known, any man stupid enough to mess with me, I have ruined their lives and made them all regret their wrong doings and YOU pirates in Phillipne, you are even lesser than those I have fucked with, I will be your worse nightmare in time, and nobody will blame me then either, you will come out as the bad guys the lawless rats you are, justice will get served.
