Jeff Monson On the Plight of the Palestinian Nation

What a great guy, he just say it like it is, and he is right but I would like to take it a step further, my assessment is following in this most important issue around the un holy state of Israel this imposter, not to be confused with the actual Holy State of Israel, as I have many times explained the actual Holy State of Israel is NOT secular, ruled by man made laws which you have in this imposter luciferian entity you have in the Holy Land today where their elected so called conservative leader Satanyaboo is glorifying homosexual paraded and that has stolen and evicted the native inhabitants and on daily basis killing at least a few of them many time shooting children and international journalists reporting the truth of the matter, this is not the Holy State of Israel, its an imposter, a military outpost by the actual devil worshipers stationed in the west European countries like Britain where they exported their religious beliefs to the US to get firmly established there to later use the US as its financier to keep this military outpost on its feet for only one true purpose, to destabilize the Middle East in hope of corrupting its leader to support their satanic NWO agenda, I'll give you one example of these leaders and his policies, did you know that the little natural gass Egypt has they export it and sell it cheaper to the Zionist entity than they sell to its own people, I guess not many of you knew of this fact, and whenever general Sisi is directed he closed Egyps border to Gaza and suffocate the Palestinians on the Zionist regims orders, I can go on with these facts all day long but the true purpose of me commenting here had to do with something much greater than these while you would say could it be worse than this, yes it is.
I want to remind all you freedom seekers tellers out there about how we can defeat corruption in all our countries with only concentrating on one issue alone because everything we all suffer comes back to this topic alone, when God willing there is peace in the Holy Land we have solved all our problems all around the world, trust me on this one, because this imposter state has not only to do with whats goin on in the Holy Land, its the symbol of the Luciferian NWO ideology and global cult which most of world leaders along with politicians and leaders of industry are captivated by like a chain around their necks, like a glas house when the symbol of this imposter entity falls so will the vail in front their faces and what has been hidden in the dark will come to light for all to see, then they cant deceive you anymore with their every day draconian policies why you should spend half of your tax money on defense on wasteful means, then you have more than enough money to please the left side of politics with healthcare for all, all the social programs needed, at the same time you can also satisfy people on the right with lower taxes and everything they want as well like smaller government, and so much more, so if I was you I wouldnt waste time on anything else but this issue of Zionism because as I have said, it has not only to do with the Middle East and whats going on there and all its corrupt leaders and everything else but it has to do with your own home fronts and the policies around it as well, this issue goes as deep as you can imagine and a bit more my friends, and rest assured, the good Jews they are onboard with what I have said here, many of them want what the rest of us want, to live in peace and a place of plenty instead of scarcity fear and just trouble, reflect over what I have said here and hopefully you will see what I have seen, good luck. 

Bravo I say to Jeff Monson, he is not totally brain damaged after all ;) just kidding meathead :)
