Jesse Watters: We're paying Ukrainians to knit cardigans

These warmongers are always ready to throw another 500 000 more dead Ukrainians and well paid foreign mercenaries to in the best case scenario gain another kilometer or two from the Russians, this was was never about nothing else but war profiting and they are willing to waste as many good naive souls into the fire for as long as they get their cut of the cake, and if anyone thinks Russia is depleted with nothing else to resist with you are very wrong, at this point for a reason or two Russia is only keeping its guard up and protecting itself and when things get really tough it will punch back with force, with all it got, and it doesnt even need to use nukes at that time unless things get desperate which they are not in right now, lets not make this about Russia instead those behind the war should make a commitment and stop aiding Ukraine and disarm them, otherwise I dont see how this war will end but again I dont think there is a will to end this any time soon unless elected officials in the US put a stop to this madness and save us all from an eventual catastrophe, meanwhile the rest of us anti war activists have to do our thing, what else can we do, we are against wars its that simple. 
