Journalists now being ARRESTED for criticizing dictator Justin Trudeau |...

I hope you guys saw the RT clip about Hunka the SS Nazi, the guy was even bragging about his Nazi activities on his social media and we also learned one of the requirements to enter Canada after WW2 was to prove you fought the Russians this after during the war Canada and Russia were part of the same alliance against the Nazis and one of the side that fought the Nazis was the Russians who the Canadian government gave shelter to, its like with the story of US companies like Standard Oil supplying the Nazis with oil while the US military was fighting the Nazis, I know the rabbit hole goes deep when you dig into it, another contradiction they are keeping from getting out is the case with Sweden who were on the Nazi side by suppling them with iron ore and other stuff the Nazi military machine needed to destroy Europe, to what end is what you all should ask yourselves, its a conspiracy for sure, I'll way never trust the official story from the mainstream sources, because it just makes no sense if you follow their story line, it never does and if you happen to question they arrest you if you get too close to the truth like in this case in UK where they arrested the journalist that revealed this Canadian Nazi connection, I say we need to dig deeper to reveal who Justin Castro Trudeau really is and what he is up to, we know the WEF is behind him. 
