Lavrov: The United States is directly at war with Russia in Ukraine! New...

When the news came Feb 24 last year that Russia had attacked Ukraine many of you perhaps were surprised by it, you would have thought this was uncalled for why did you attack Ukraine, I knew to an extend why Russia did it, what I didnt know was that after the 2014 war and the ceasefire, Nato was planning to escalate it by buying time for Ukraine to get trained and equipped with weapons, and how could I and many of you known this, I am not sitting in Russia getting intelligence neither are you, but the Russians knew that its about to happen, so they took preemtive measures and took the matter in their own hands, and of course we later learned by hearing from Angela Merkel on audio that this was indeed what they were planing, so who can blame Russia to act first, now that aside, the other day I was watching a clip with a Nato adviser a British guy, the hews host asked him about perhaps a ceasefire to end the war because the Ukrainian hadnt advanced anything with what they were given, the Nato adviser replied it could be a good idea so Ukraine could regroup and make another effort, look when you are a Russian analyst in the military or in the government when you hear things like this what would you do, would you if the Ukrainians agree to a ceasefire shake hands on it or would you reject it because you know why would you give time to the enemy to regroup and make another try, with this level of mistrust how can one make peace, I am not shilling for Russia just stating the fact we know of by statements of Nato officials, looks like may God forbid this war is going to continue and perhaps spread outside the borders of Ukraine, I think this is what the Luciferians want, and something I think people should know is that Britain in in particular is pushing for this more than even the US, it makes me think this whole thing is mainly directed by people from Britain, I think the Luciferians are using the US as the purse to finance this crime while it was initiated and directed by some in Britain, and you all can see, all British outlets are pushing for it more than anyone else without exception, what is motivating Britain is a good question.
