Netanyahu 'delighted' by Saudi crown prince's comments on peace process

Look dont be naive and dont try to fool yourselves, Mahmood Abas if he wants foreign aid to stay in power have to and must say he is for a two state illusion with east Jerusalem as part of this so called Palestinian state, in reality he knows no Palestinian will go along with it, ask any Palestinian and they will give you only one solution, they want all Khazars out of the Holy Land they might be more sympatric towards the other Jews, I am NOT kidding here, thats what they want and they want nothing less, you might say this is an extreme view but equally if you ask the Israelis in private they would want all Palestinians move or be forced to other Arab lands so the Jews can have all of the Holy Land only for themselves, this is the reality on the ground regardless what these heads of states say or want, lets be clear on what we are working with here, so when you have Satanyaboo making agreements with these four Zionist Arab leaders from Bahrain UAE Sudan and Morocco, what you really have achieved is not more than having an agreement with four single individuals, nothing more, ask any Sudanese any Arab from UAE Morocco and Bahraini you what they think of this accord you will get one and the same answer, they dont even want to hear you mentioning it, and you all saw when Israeli journalist for the football event in Qatar, as soon as he presented himself as an Israeli journalist not only people from Muslim countries no other nations visitors wanted to talk to him, even people from Japan rejected him when they found out he was Israeli, same thing with the Saudis, MBS might strike an agreement with the Zionist entity, if he does this will be his downfall among all Sunni Muslims and many others as well, if he is ready to risk it all just to please the Zionist by all means, I recommend he doesnt, its better for him this way, again it doesnt matter what these heads of state say or do, it all depends on the Saudis because the Sunni world which are waiting to see what MBS does regarding this decision, this could lead to the final blow they are willing to tolerate, I predict his down fall if he does.
The solution is all in the Holy Land will in time learn to live next to each other, I predict this too, you can take it to the bank.
