Palestinians: Would you compromise with Israel for peace?

This is a good exemplar how the Palestinians feel about the Zionist entity and its occupation, the reason no Palestinian would agree to compromise with the Zionist regime you see with your own eyes why they refuse to either live under a occupation or a two states, the Jews if you ask them the majority would say the same, they dont want to share anything and a larger minority of them also want to get rid of every Palestinian if they could, knowing this I dont know how just a hand ful of corrupt leaders around the world even entertain these thoughts, when neither Palestinians nor the Israelis would want anything to do with any of this nonsense, it looks to me that these leaders know this too but are deliberately wasting everyones time and to drag this issue as far and longer as they can to show first they are "actively" paying attention to solving the issue being good politicians and all, when in fact they are dragging this on till another useless politicians take over their post to for them to do as their previous colleagues did so on and so forth, because non of these ideas will lead nowhere, in fact i believe if these politicians and Arab leaders like Saudi Arabia made an agreement like that, this would be the final nail in the coffin and start armed hostilities and this one a serious one because the Sunni Saudi Arabia is the Sunni Palestinians like these you see not the armed Palestinians because i think they lost hope in Saudi Arabia and these other Arab states some time ago last hope last line of defense and if they feel they have lost that one too then who knows what will happen and what they will do, the only reason all Palestinians have not joined in an armed uprising is because Saudi Arabia has stayed out of it so far and supported them financially, at least the corrupt Palestinian authorities in the West Bank, if Saudi Arabia neglects the Palestinians go behind their backs and strike a deal with the Zionist regime then the little support the Palestinian authorities had will be lost to the armed factions who already had lost trust in Saudi Arabia and all other Arab states.
The only way that would work if a one state solution a fair one for all, but even then I dont know how the Palestinians would think of having the Khazars the outsiders around, that I couldnt answer, but if you ask the Palestinians if they would let the old Jews stay they wouldnt have a problem with them but the Khazars the Palestinians do take issue with that from what I know, and that would be a problem I think to wanting to forcefully make them leave the Holy Land, in short I see two scenarios, one is if they all get their senses together and accept to live in peace with one another or having a war and the one who wins takes it all, and it looks like its for the latter we are heading because you dont find sensible parties on either side, the majority in both camps want the other utterly defeated and wiped out so they can have it all for themselves, regardless I fear we are heading to a major war for the Holy Land.
