πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ͺ Sweden - Foreign Minister Addresses United Nations General Debate, 78...

I didnt want to say this about my host country but when I see misleading disinformation propaganda like this my conscience force me to say something to lead people towards the right information to do not only the people of Sweden which I like very much but also inform the people of the world of a few facts, I am not gonna go into what crimes the deep state of Sweden and the constant conspiracies to have me murdered here thats for another time but regarding Russia and what this idiot of the Swedish deep state is putting out there that has to be corrected.
Let me inform you about how Sweden behaved during WW2, Sweden was one of the very few nations that actively supported the Nazi efforts to sustain the Third Reich by supplying them with all the raw materials they need in forms of iron ore to you name it, all this during the war that had tens of millions innocent people got killed by the German Nazis, and as you all know Sweden was the only country the Nazis never violated in any shape or form, when the Nazi army was marching through Sweden to Norway not one single Nazi soldier violated one single Swedish property of anyone, talk about discipline, there are other reasons why the luciferian Nazis also never touched anything Swedish, the word is that Sweden is the headquarters of the international Luciferians, all this was during WW2, today Sweden is the rolemodel nation of the globalists as their showcase country for the world to take after, like have you ever heard anything negative ever mentioned about Sweden in the mainstream media, you have not, yet this country has been turned into the most atheistic with absolute godless people you can find anywhere in the so called free world, they have basically gone fully cashless by now with the state in full control of what their citizens are up to, even in Scandinavian countries Sweden is known to be the last communist country in Europe and I dont disagree, they offer their citizens healthcare the streets are clean and with other benefits but these naive people have exchanged it for their state to have full oversight over their citizens, a modern day communist state, and you would think well if it functions what are you complaining about, my answer is, I do not trust a big government that is behind the scenes controlled by luciferian entities, I fear they have granted these privileges to keep people silent for much worse things to come and now we are witnessing with our own eyes what they are taking things to, towards hostilities by supporting the Nazis in Ukraine over Russia which has never threatened Sweden during the 37 years I lived here, but now when you watch their mainstream media you if you lived here would think Russia is about to attack Sweden any day now, which is absolute nonsense, so why is Sweden now openly showing its real face like this, I would argue its not the first time, they did the same thing during WW2 when they openly supported the Nazis in Germany, its something about Nazis and the Swedish deep state that has to be further explored, I for my part wont have anything to do with this conspiracy to deepen the rift and drive public opinion towards another world war, and I urge the Swedish people to recognize the dangerous terratories their deep state is taking them towards, with this Ukraine war the cost of goods has gone up three times, not kidding, but the Sweds are naive enough to beleive everything their mainstream is airing, so I dont know if i should feel sorry for them or letting them fall down the clift, on one hand I do like the Swedish people, better than the Iranian people to be honest but on the other hand how can you help one when they dont want to be saved, so perhaps its better to let this have its course to see where it will fall eventually, my obligation is to say what I just said here.
Sweden ! you dont have to fearmonger, I can guarantee you if you keep calm Russia will look the other way like in the past and you will still have a future without war, I fear if war between the east and the west breaks out, what do you in Sweden will happen to you and your cities, you will get nuked out of existence, is this clear or not, you dummies, Nato is just seeking another dummies like you to be a good costumer, is this where you want your money to go towards, to further enrich the military industrial complexes or would you rather spend that money on more constructive things to better your lives, because if you continue like this the future will look dark that I can tell you.
