Take a close look at where I was forced to sleep for a whole year, look at the fan in the picture, its a medium size fan its not a large one, now compare it to the rathole where I slept in, the bed is 50 cm wide 160cm long and 50cm tall, a man cant fully fit in it, ones legs hangs outside the hole at night and you cant even sit upright in it, you can basically only crawls inside like a rat and get some sleep if you are lucky, all this is not the worst thing with it all, the place is crawling with all kinds of bugs, one my major expenses there in Bicutan gulag was bug spray and anti bug lotion, each night trust me I swear to God to keep the bed buys from eating my skin I prayed a barrier around the bed emptying half of the spray just around where I wa slaying down around as a barrier to keep the bugs away, and imagine with all that poisonous sprayed inside a rat hole with no ventilation you are forced to breath in all that crap and there is no other choice, yet rats and snakes also got in the hole while you were sleeping, truth be told nobody gets any sleep there, how can you with all that is going on there, and with no vacuum cleaner in the whole facility you can never keep the bed and things around it relatively clean, I usually say hell on Earth is at the sea not on land but I have to correct myself, hell on Earth is in Phillipines, this lawless pirate state of scums running the show there.
I have said this, if China wants manpower to occupy any of these islands of theirs, I am your guy, I will support you humiliating these rats as they deserve, they are not human beings but something else, and in time payback will be a bitch for these criminals.
But honestly, am I still not pretty even under those circumstances ?? :)

