Trudeau, Hillary, & Fox Blame Russia for Their Failures | SYSTEM UPDATE

How could blame Niger for asking France to leave their country, if you havent asked yourself how come France has so much gold in reserve well the answer is, they stole it from Africa, its African gold they stole its not their gold its not like they dug it up from their own soil, it came from African soil, would you still blame the Africans why they are pissed off and now asked France to leave, I sure dont, the age of colonialism is over, I also think a movement to get out of the British common wealth countries also should divorce themselves with their British colonies, subjects call it what you want but its not even worth having it written on paper because although the actual subjection of those countries is not what it used to be but its truly never over unless you also on paper end it, that would be a nice president for the Tampon Prince, thats the only way to regain your honor.
