"We Can't Trust You!" - Reaction to Nikki Haley Saying Vivek Helped China

I think after last debate people told Vivek to calm it down and he did it this time, it means Vivek is a yes man and worried about something else than winning and being a true fighter, now all of the sudden he say he wants some of these hyper corrupt opponents to give him advice if he wins, oh really, I dont care what the polls say and how much the republican or the liberal speaks so highly about Crazy Haley, even the liberal media is praising this crazy, but when you read the comments at Fox one in twenty have something positive to say about her the rest of it is what you hear from people like myself that she is an establishment darling and a warmonger, this is the only poll I need to know what people actually thinks of her.
I am sorry if Vivek doesnt come out next time swinging then its all over for him I think.
