Break the Chains of Deception

This is the age of awakening meaning there are no more excuses of staying ignorant about the kind if world we are living in, the bad guys the invisible dark forces together with their human devil has managed to divide us for a sinister purpose, read what Albert Pike and his dark lord had in plans for us in day of age, in short their plans were to conspire to get the Zionist Jewish world and the Muslim world and the Christian world to kill each other off so afterwards something new these dark forces had in plans emerge, unfortunately way too many will out of ignorance do the bidding of these evil forces, the rest of us we have a duty to break this spell and spread awareness of what is really going on, we must stay firm strong and fearless in these times, we have great responsibility due to our God granted awareness so we must remain resolute strong and never back down, we must steam cleaner ahead and wash this evil conspiracy this plague that has affected mankind once and for all, this is the time my friends, the focus of the whole universe is on us here on this zoo of a planet these evil dark sinister forces has made it in to be, we will revert back to what we were ment to be, human beings.

