Disinfection Mobilization !

Dear friends! 
As you all know the Zionist demonic possessed army of trolls are spreading disinformation around what actually is happening, I have confirmed from reliable sources the fact that Shaytanyaboo knew the attack was imminent not just relocated the IDF to other distance locations but also ordered the surveillance team to shut down at the moment the attack was about to happen, at the same time the air defenses was also for a whole day not functioning as it should, the report indicates that Shaytanyaboo and his där overlords wanted this imminent attack to happen so he could use it for evil reasons, and for personal reasons as well, I am warning you Jews, you have sinister enemies from within you, you don't have to believe what I am trying to warn you about but my duty is to tell you what I know, what you do with this information is up to you, I am going to do my part regardless, Shaytanyaboo is deliberately poisoning you, he and his där overlords are seeking you as their lab rats, you are in grave danger, Hamas never sexually raped anyone, they never beheaded babies, yes they shot many of you because they see you as military personnel of the IDF terrorist organization, sure some elderly got in between which is unfortunately sad I understand that but over all its not just they who has committed war crimes, the Zionist murderous terrorist entity has forced them to become hard core on the battlefield because of the constant murdering if their own families, you must have understanding for that, you need to understand your "enemy" while the most dangerous enemy is right there next to you, it's within you.
The solution to all your problems is a One State, work towards this and you all will do just fine, better than you could ever imagine, trust me on this, good luck 🤞
