From East to the West with Love

I'll ask of the Leader of Iran, if there are those who want to travel through east of Iran to join the Palestinians to help liberated the Holy Land please in an organized and safe manner let them pass through, I understand there tons of agreements and logistically issues that has to be arranged first, like where to gather close to Israeli borders and all that before making a move, you and your advisers I am sure can figure all this out, perhaps Islamic nations and their conventional forces don't have to get directly involved but there are millions like myself that wouldn't mind at all assemble huge groups to do it ourselves and we with Gods help would defeat these Zionist child killers on our own, but we need a little bit of help here, because I feel the era of just threatening to defend yourselves are over, we need to put some action behind our warnings because these demons don't understand any other language at the same time we are just sitting here and watching their warcrimes go on daily basis which western media never reports on, we have such passion for this we can't let go, you understand I am sure so let's do this thing, liberation of the Holy Land.
