From a true friend !

I want to take the opportunity to reaffirm my friendship to the American people, I know the fact that many here doesn't want me to say this but I have to state my tru thoughts and feelings, this statement might get me in trouble here but a brother has to speak his mind, just as when I was in the US and I expressed my feelings about President Putin, i know then too that that's a no no statement one especially someone like me should make, I knew just as well this statement of mind wouldn't be helpful at all but again a brother has to be truthful and speak his mind, so I say it again , I am a fan of the American people, I was treated nicely even by Maga supporters, well one or two I am sure wouldn't mind me getting a bullet somewhere but I still don't blame them, I really don't, no hard feelings here from my part, so that's my position on that, what I do not like is the constant warmongers from the Neocons to the Neoliberals that also can never get enough of wars and killings of innocent people, I am a simple man, it's not hard to understand what I am, I am anti war, I also if it was up to me treat corrupt war mongers harshly, thats me in a nutshell, I am not hard to read, what you see is what I am, I would forever want to be a close friend of those who treated me right, I am also aware during my stay in the US the FBI were conspiring against me, it's a corrupt on the top a criminal organization not even loyal to the American people let alone anyone else.
Today I cannot sit by see and hear Zionists media demonazing the Palestinian people by calling them animals and much more, dropping 2000 pound bombs on them killing hundreds of civilians which western media call, " they got caught in the middle" not calling it a direct war crime, this makes my blood boil, makes me very angry, seeing this kind of cheering on of the murdering of civilians by the western politicians and media forces me to respond in kind to these corrupt aggressors, so if you want war, there are billions like me, we will give you what you seek, rest assured of that, if called upon, I'll be first on line and you won't be able to stop me, we will be around long after the Zionist terrorists are forgotten about.
