Gates of Hell

The Zionist murderous terrorist regime with a war criminal as their prime minister Shaytanyahoo this devil of a subhuman is blocking food water electricity to starve out the Palestinians before he level Gaza this outdoor prison he has created and kill civilians men women and their children like he has done on daily basis for the longest time, I have suggested if his army of subhuman devil's enters Gaza on land then this leaves the justice seeking people no other option but joining in an effort from all around the world to liberate the Holy Land, so I strongly urge Iran if there are fighters from east of Iran to allow them to pass through Iran heading towards the Holy Land and make efforts to help the Palestinians in need of defeat this army of subhuman devils of the Zionist occupiers of their land, and so Hezbollah should also prepare for war, by likewise target Zionist infrastructure like their power plants their water treatments their airports and other military infrastructure, I also urge all Believers to get there in any way they can to help out in anyway they can, all this has to happen is the Zionists enter Gaza, it's time to teach them a lesson once and for all and if any of the Zionists supporters wants to join their little devils in this fight then so be it, we are not backing down this time, we will go to whatever end which is victory for us as God has ordained, you started this you want war we will show you the opening of gates of Hell and shove you down there sooner than you expected.
