I Have Something To See

I repeat myself, if all resistance groups outside Palestine break their word and do not retaliate against the terrorist organization IDF after they have invaded Gaza, you will go down in history books for being as hypocritical cowards and deal breakers and frankly useless self oriented self serving liars, I hope that's not the case, Shaytanyaboo is playing hard ball, let us show them the meaning of balls of steel means, we must and I repeat NOT back out after all these talks, we must unleash hell on them and go in to finish the job by arresting Shaytanyaboo and his handlers and those standing beside him in this genocide of the Palestinians.
State actors don't need to be involved in this, there are enough Believers around the world that can finish the Zionist terrorists entity in the Holy Land, so again I urge all Believers to make efforts organize because the time is coming to liberate the Holy Land and free the good Jews over there, and I must make myself very clear on something else, all the fightings has to be kept only in the Holy Land and no attacks outside middle east, in no EU countries or US, that's not the battlefield, this has to be very clear for everyone, in fact I don't even agree with how Hamas went about this operation, I wouldn't under any circumstances kidnapped any elderly kids, if I had done this I would only have snatched military aged Israelis, but what is done is done now, I don't see Hamas representing the Sunnah the way of our beloved Prophet Muhammad, he never even harmed an unarmed fighter on the battlefield let alone what Hamas did, Hamas has dishonored my Prophet and this is not something I take lightly, we will deal with all this at it's time, but now we have much bigger problems on our hands and that's Shaytanyaboo and his cronies that has to be brought to justice, we must serve both the Palestinians and the good Jews in the Holy Land and provide the opportunity for them to live in peace and harmony with one another, they don't have this chance right now being oppressed by the Zionists but with Gods help time will come when this vail of Zionism is lifted and light will shine on both these faces then they will realize peace was never far away from them they both just never saw it but it's coming with Gods help, Amen.
