I love you Uncle Joe 😘

Dear Uncle Joe !

I need you to understand something, we cannot just sit by and see the Zionists massacre the original inhabitants of Palestine of the Holy Land get murdered day in and day out for the past 75 years with the support of some western countries, the Zionist murderous Israelis and its satanic settlers shooting Palestinian children on camera they target even the ambulanceses of injured Palestinians, dropping 2000 pound bombs regardless is there are a whole lot of people on the streets using illegal phosphorus bombs that burn people alive most of them little children, starving them to death and upon that the satanic Zionist demonic possessed Israelis go to the airwaves and press disinformation around its Palestinians who are cutting the heads of Israeli children, we can simply not take this any longer, 75 years of this murderous Israelis regime has to come to an end, we do not see any other way out of this mess your leaders has created, enough is enough, the Holy Land must be liberated from these subhumans devils, so I am telling you dear Uncle Joe, I and many more of me wants to be good terms with American but do not come in between me and my prey, please understand this, instead look after the best interest of the American people, because if God forbid a wrong move by the US is made in this regard I can promise you, all US forces will be expelled from all Muslim lands, your military cannot defeat the united combined Islamic forces, there are 2 billions of us, but it's wrong of my to just define me by saying us as only Muslims, I want to see me as part of you too, of the western world, I just happen to subscribe to the Holy Quran as a Muslim, I value both my Christian and Jewish family too very much, in fact I have said many times the fact that my Christian friends I have much better experience with than my Muslim friends but I would be a lying fool if I denied the Holy Quran as the Word of my Creator, it's Him I fear not your aircraft carriers, we have a good thing going Uncle Joe, please don't fuck it up, I beg if you, the Holy Land has to be liberated, stay out of it, it's better this way, and I'll try to get your hostages back if you get something back the Palestinians want in return.
I love you Uncle Joe and the American people, let's stay in good terms, don't do it !!!
