In Life is Hope

You sound a little bit upset today Cenk, have you had your fibers today buddy 👍

A small correction, I mean if we're going to be critical we have to be factual them we can with ease go to criticize peoples holy books, unlike the Jewish bible and the Christian bible which has statements like what you mentioned, I challenge you to find anything even close in the Islamic holy book the Holy Quran, so why is the Jewish bible and the Christian bible differ so much from the Quran, we say the Torah if today is not the original one, of Hise who wrote it added their own dogma and withhold actual words of God , the original Torah or Tanakh which was the word of the Creator never advocated for murdering women and children, these parts were added by those Jewish scholars that were loyal to someone else but the God of Abraham, today unfortunately many Jews believe these contradictions in their own text, on one hand its stated not to steel or kill on the other hand some rater not go with the ten commandments but these other contracting statements, but the wise Jew which we hame many of understand and go with the clear firm commandments.
What different the Holy Quran is that there are no such statens but like the crazy Jews crazy Christians there are crazy Muslims as well, the way to solve this issue is for the reasonable people of faith or no faith to get gether and speak about what we have more in common that what we disagree on and the issues we disagree on, is it worth killing each other for, of course not.
But something you rightly pointed to which I share the save view on, that is the Jews in the US are more or less blameless, because it is the Evangelicals that are driving these conflicts in the Middle East and specially Israel, these people are the most misguided and selfish than they believe if they facilities for a final war for the Jews and Muslims wipes each other off somehow God will save not the actual good guys but the conspirators instead, that's how twisted their minds set is.
What the Jews and the Christians and other reasonable people should get together and reject these conspirators that wants to have them all killed, I have great hope in the younger generation, they seems to have got the point like you described Cenk.

Btw this I looked and found specially for you Cenk 😁
