Justice Project

Hello friends !
It has come to my attention that the conflict going on in the Holy Land between the Zionist murderous satanic regime and Palestinian resistance groups was a conspiracy pulled my the Zionists by standing aside letting resistance groups penetrating deep inside Israeli occupied territories so they can have a good reason to finally kickstart their long awaited war the Zionist regimes have been looking forward to regain their lost reputation after the lost war of 2006 with Lebanese Hezbollah resistance group, the Zionist regime has been looking forward to a new war for a long time with Iran and it's proxies in the Middle East so they stood by knowing the Palestinians would make a move allowed it to happen for the Zionists to then go on to demolish Gaza then the West Bank Lebanon Syria and Iran so on and so forth till they have started their WW3, this was all planed by the Satanyaboo and his handlers.
I out of humanitarian reasons feel bad for both the Palestinians and the Jewish civilians who has to go through this mess in this time, and I in strongest terms urge no Jew to ever be harmed outside the direct conflict zone, the settlers I just cannot have any good feelings towards because they choose on their own to not just very bluntly steel the houses and the lands of the Palestinians on more occupied lands but also choose to move their own families and settle on a battlefield putting themselves in direct line of fire risking the lives of their families, so if something happens there they have themselves to blame because if and when a Palestinian property owner wants to throw let's say a handgranater on his own property he has the right to do so even if his hand and property has been built on and regardless who is on his property, he has the right to defend his property then now and as long as the property is his, so the settlers I have no care for, but other Jews outside the Holy Land regardless of their beliefs must not be harmed.
And as I said, if the Zionist murderous satanic regime wants a war I think regardless if they and their backers are under the illustration that they can win I think they must be proven wrong and give the war they so desperately are seeking and figure out who will come out as the final Victor, I hereby name the counter initiativ to the Sword if Iron of the Zionist to our Justice Project to free the Holy Land from the luciferians occuping it to establish true peace so help us God, Amen.
