Makes Them Question Why

If the Zionists had evidence of beheaded babies let alone adults they would have presented the proof of it, they think like in the Gulf War before the age of alternative media when they spread the lies of Iraqi soldiers throwing babies out if hospital windows that the world today would buy into it once again, or when they claimed Lybian solders were given viagra to rape women that we would fall for their lies again, they are making themselves look less credible by each day pass, uf people all around the world would have believed Palestinians beheaded babies no one would have gone out in millions to demonstrate to back the Palestinians, so ket them oread their little lies, it just make us look better and stronger by each day pass, the world is waking up in the billions, the Zionists have their mainstream media which no one watches or trust while we have the rest of the airwaves, nobody trust anything out of the Zionists they have lost the media war, our propaganda is stronger.
