Neighborhood Watch

As long as the Israeli people give authority to the constant warmongers to make decisions for you, when to go to war and when not to you will bear the consequences of tour own decisions when to live and not, you're enslaved to them you just don't realize it now, in time you will no doubt, you have enemies within and wolves as friends in sheeps clothing from outside, let me ask you this question and be honest with yourself, have their friendship been beneficial for you from half cross the world or not, if you answer not, then wouldn't it be many times better for you if you had befriend your neighbors instead, if you answer yes to that then I ask you, why didn't you do so many decades ago ?? summers fall spring and many winters came and went and you forgot who your friends were, for you looked the other way when you could have looked for safety like before from your neighbors, but you looked the other way, well it's not too late ;)
