No Third Option

As I have started before, I have seen credible evidence that Shaytanyaboo drew back all the soldiers/guards from the separation wall the apartheid wall and let the Palestinian resistance groups pour over from all sides because Shaytanyaboo wanted this war to happen, one reason is to push the Palestinians into the desert take over Gaza and the coast line that way and another reason was to save face after the Zionist terrorists Israeli IDF lost the war with Hezbollah a few years earlier and also to distract from his own legal problems he is facing with all the craziness he is always up to.
Shaytanyaboo wanted this war and he will stage any false flag to draw in the US and EU to save himself.
But this time he crossed the line, now there is no turning back, he is going down and if anyone wants to come in between, I recommend not to, we are not backing out, this is something that has to happen, either the Israelis deal with him or we will, there is no ther way doing this today.
