Short Exodus


I think the secular Israelis should listen more to their own anti Zionist Orthodox Jews and heed the warnings that the Zionists have put you in grave danger by pretending the Zionist entity is a regular country like any other and not a military base created to be destroyed later on for certain things to happen, I also urge y to leave this military base you have called your home, you are not safe there, the Zionists are the ones who are using you as human cannon foder, you Jews have been taken for a ride not by your neighbors but from enemies within who's order is given to them outside this military base you call a country, the Torah Jews are aware of this, they also have a strong faith that when chaos comes about they will be safe, and I believe so as well, and I pray that's the case, in fact we will try our absolute best no harm will come out to touch them, but I think for the other secular Israelis, it's wise for you to leave, you can come back later when true peace has been firmly established, you all know the Palestinians do not have rockets to demolish a whole neighborhood, you know Shaytanyaboo bombed the hospital as a sight to his enemies that he is crazy enough to even commit warcrimes like this and to show the western media will back him up regardless, this is a scare tactics, but we are not backing down un the contrary, this proves our point that this madman and his backers must be defined as evil as they are and thrown out if the Holy Land once and for all and I would hate to see more innocent Jews being misused to do his evil doings, so wisely I advice you to leave town till further notice.
