I have been listening to many world leaders both of those I like to those I cannot put in words how much I despise of advocating for a two states in the Holy Land, my understand is that they both know this wouldn't ever work for countless of reasons, so why they still spout this idea I have my own thought around, one less sinister though is, this is as for now unfortunately the political correct idea to advocate for so the majority wouldn't criticize you too harshly so these world leaders politicians really could go in with business as usual, they are politicians after all, a politician would risk step out if the line and speak their own mind for not  either party in this conflict too far out, the middle ground is what these better world/politicians would say, then on the other hand we have this other really bad ones who just want to waste peoples mind while one or both parties are suffering while they are enriching their own pockets, we have two more parties that I have not mentioned yet here, and these two opposing forces or parties are more honest than the two privious parties, the reados I said they are honest is because they both know the Holy Land is not to be divided in two or more parts, this is what they have in common, what they differ about is who should have all of the Holy Land and govern over, I am of the side that say, hell no to a two states in the Holy Land because the countless of reasons why it would not have worked and I am not interested in wasting anyone's time, I am also of the side that wouldn't for a moment more would like to see the godless Zionists with all the crimes against humanity they have committed being allowed to stay in the Holy Land, i am not reasoning like a politician to waste peoples time and have people suffer for my own political gains, I don't fear polls, I fear my Creator, and my Creator do not like oppressors, He has stated there is not much worse than oppressors and being oppressed and He is witness and the world is witness to the corruption the Zionist terrorists entity has committed so my conscience is clear, I trust what I have heard and seen and it's enough for me to say, sure the world is a wild zoo of a planet, planet of the apes but savages like the Zionist murderous satanic regime cannot be allowed to continue with these crimes against humanity while some world leaders watch this continue just because they don't want to shake the pot, I see these world leaders more of like any other politicians, a true leader should not be afraid to do what is expected from him, a true statesman should fear the Creator because you need His guidence to be successful in this life but more importantly in the next, the problem with all these world leaders is they are surrounded with all this worldly powers that they think this is all that is to it, what they don't realize the supreme power of the Creator who sits at His throne above creation very comfortable observing everything and with one word turn the world of any pharaoh then and today upsidedown, this is in His power, so if you ask me what would you rather be a politician or a leader intuned with your Maker, well I let you answer that.
