The Holy Promised Land

The Zionist regimes media propaganda  outlets and those who pay attention and watches these liars are losing audience are such shameless creatures that they have to make up one big lie after the other and think people won't see through them for what they are and it's just fine by me, let them lie about decapitated babies burnt up babies alive what bigger lies can they make up next time, Palestinians eating up Israeli babies? Well you never know with these people, I am glad the sane Jews sees through these lies and recognizes the fact that the Zionist terrorists entity which is nothing but a wester military outpost in the Middle East is not the promised holy state of Israel but an imposter that has and always bring nothing but misery to those living in that military base, the old Jews know Muslims has always protected them for millennia through our time, and will do so after this unholy imposter has been deleted from pages of history, Jews have nothing to worry about, it's a promise, in fact the Jews will experience a kind of peace and tranquility they never had experienced before in history, the Holy Land will be a wonderful place to live in very close to Paradise on Earth but first this imposter has to be humiliated and defeated and Shaytanyaboo will stand trail and his buddies for all the harm they have caused, and this is a promise as well.
