The Winner Takes It All

Look how they are doing their absolute best to spin around the fact over 500 were killed and many thousands injured with may God forbid many hundreds more killed in the coming hours of this Zionist regimes war crimes, and trying to justify it by saying the terrorist organization IDF suspected there was this Hamas guy hiding in the hospital so naturally all these hundreds killed is in the eye of these Zionist murderous satanic demons justified.
And this comes from the liberal side if the US just imagine how overjoyed the anchors if Fox News Newsmax and the rest of the are right now, they are celebrating because they are demon possessed.
Look friends, I say, there is inly one solution to all this, the satanic Zionist Israelis entity has to be driven into the sea, and if anyone wants to join them let them come and fight, I don't see any other way out if this but a final fight.
