United Believers

I take the word of the terrorist organization IDF seriously when they repeat their intentions are to invade Gaza on ground, they also have repeated saying the Palestinians are animals and this come from the Zionist Israeli sub animals themselves, we know their intentions are to kill as many Palestinians as their can, the Muslim world regardless of their bought and paid for no good corrupt leaders must get together and prepare an army to invade the Zionist murderous satanic Israelis from all sides, you should set up chapters in your own countries form a voluntary task force and by all means get to neighboring countries around the Zionist terrorists entity and do you best to free the Holy Land from these Zionist demonic sub animals again regardless if your leaders approve or disapprove, we cannot sit by and watch this planed genocide happen befor own eyes, or we are a lesser of a sub animal, worse and worthless than those Zionist murderous demons.
They started this we can and with Gods help send them all back to Hell, as Jesus said, they are the synagog of Satan, Satan is their father and darklord, we are not afraid of any demonic forces.
