Zionist disinfo campaign at work again


I have seen the picture the Zionist lying Israeli media spreading pictures of " beheaded " child not children as they first claimed and its clearly faked, in some of which you don't even know what you are seeing, it's more fake than the UFO pictures of which some are more realistic than these pictures the Zionists cooked up with, these loosers are getting desperate by the day and so their lies has to grow more fantastical.
People should put in an extra gear exposing these Zionist war criminals and their propaganda.
If you all are aware, a few years after the Holocaust they claimed 600 000 were killed, three years later they claimed two millions were killed and a year after that they claimed six million were killed, I am not saying many were not killed in the camps but if you must be naive to ever trust the official story line of the Zionists.
