Zionist Propaganda


As you can see the Zionist terrorists are spreading their propaganda claiming Hamas is sexually raping, beheading babies, and burning people alive, we all knew it was a lie by the Zionists to turn people around the world against the Palestinians, the Zionists are never to be trusted, I mean who would ever trust thieves and criminals who first steel you land, who would trust a filthy un holy nation and it's people when their soldiers actually shoot children in the heads even journalist and always get away with it, these criminal Zionists project their own filthy subhuman nature on their enemies, the Zionist murderous satanic Israelis are losing the media war so they take to these measures, soon with Gods help the Holy Land will be happily liberated from these subhumans and if anyone wants to come in between let them come, we are not backing down this time, Israels days are numbered.
