Another Hateful Zionist Prick

This prick reminds me of the Zionist settlers mentality, I think he is Jewish too, I don't understand how one can be this hateful towards someone that has done nothing to him but it doesn't stop there, he then goes back to the same halal vender and harassed him again and again and spewed the most disgusting statements, I think he is a Jew but it doesn't matter, I must say this, have you ever even heard a Muslim ever insult a Jew or a Christian for their beliefs, I haven't, it just doesn't exist, but for some Zionists both Jewish and Christians they allow themselves to insult Muslims and their beliefs and the thing is they all repeat the same accusations that are not factual just false accusations, but even if that's true why would anyone want to insult other peoples beliefs this is beyond me could never understand that, this man have huge mental problems that he as the bully he is takes over someone that he knows cannot respond to him and the prick was an employee of a presidential office, I think people should go to his work place and have him get fired.
