Dear President Erdogan !

Reason being for Sweden to stay out of Nato and remain neutral is better for Sweden not to become a target of total destruction, there is no reason for this far right Swedish government to paint Sweden as a target when the way Sweden has has in the past worked in favor of Sweden, this current Swedish government is endangering the well being of Swedish people and I just don't understand why they're doing it for, I have my thoughts on why but it's less relevant at this point.
Sweden better stay out of what is about to happen is my advice to them I say this out of loving affection for them, your current regime is loyal more to something sinister rather than you my dear Sweds you don't realize it for now some of you do though but the majority of you are sleepwalking into something completely unnecessary and bad.
It's like a parent who lock the door of the house preventing it's child to go outside when there is a riot and chaos outside, it's better you stay inside the house for now till things have calmed down, I hope you understand, it's tough love, you might hate me now for saying this but if you listen it will be of benefit for you, and I hope President Erdogan do not give in on pressure and let himself get bought and let many of us down, do the right thing President Erdogan, Nato doesn't really need Sweden, it would be good for them to have another costumer who is willing to waste their money but Sweden doesn't need it, they can stay out of this one, Finland should have done the same, not painting itself as a target when they weren't but they got fooled and it's too late now, it's not too late for Sweden that is what I need your help with President Erdogan, and it's not good for the Islamic world either, there are many more good and valid reasons why Sweden shouldn't join than do so, let's do the world a favor and keep Sweden out of this coming mess, thank you 
