Down With Zionism

These are the same American Zionists you saw at at Washington Zionist gathering that goes to the Holy Land to help these other Zionist murderous Israeli settlers steal more Palestinian homes and they think they are so damn brave, I have said this, I hate wars I hate conflicts I hate see people suffering, what I hate more than anything is watching people getting oppressed so openly knowing they can bully anyone they want because they have the upper hand to do so, just as if I saw a rapist on top of helpless person I could kill that person not having a bad conscience about it, knowing I did a good thing, I feel the same about these settlers, I don't see them ad human beings but devils I see them as rapists and when war breaks out I wouldn't have mercy on them, I could show mercy towards soldiers towards anyone except for these settler monsters, they have lost their human value in my view because they are raping people right in daylight knowing for now they do so, my blood boils seeing there are human devils like that acting like this, I hope all these Zionist demonic settlers and their supporters do not flee to stand their ground when war breaks out so we can finish them all right where they are, and shame in you who support Zionism, you support this, may God show you no mercy on the Day of Judgement, may you go down in history for being the worst mankind has to offer, may your names be stained forever, may the people of the world open their eyes to see the real ugly faces of you Zionists.
You will be defeated with Gods help.
