Good Tidings, The Zionists Lost The War

The Zionist Israelis are losing the media war over many reasons, reason one is they are not as good of a liars they used to be, once upon of time before the age of social media they owned the airwaves and there they could tell any story they wanted and nobody could debunk their phony facts, today the situation is not what it used to be, today with in minutes their Zionist propaganda gets debunked and exposed and this must be very demoralizing for the Zionist regime because they do not enjoy the privileges if the past times so instead they take their frustration over the defenseless civilians but this will only ensure their fall sooner than they themselves had anticipated, the youth of the world is the future and 95% of them are hardcore anti Zionist so the future looks bleach for them, their constant murdering of civilians is fueling the fire of people all around the world uniting to have that unholy satanic Zionist Israeli entity defeated and wiped of the pages of history, I am sure this will happen and happy pretty soon, at that time I suggest all the good Jews to leave the Holy Land will it has been liberated, and for those Jews who never took part in the coming war, their propertes will be protected and returned back to them, but for those who chose to stay and fight the Liberation Alliance those will have no share in anything, this is what I predict will happen soon and my predictions always turn out to be true.
