Heed My Warning


The Zionists are aware of not many in the west or elsewhere reads what the Zionist Israeli media is instructing their own citizens what to do and how to go about their genocidal methods to get rid of all Palestinians, they know westerners do not read Israeli media on the other hand these same Zionists go in air on western media and paint the picture that it's Palestinians who teach their kids to kill Jews when it's exactly the other way around, these are not just the synagog of Satan but the school of synagog of Satan because they don't even give their own Zionist children a break letting them have a normal childhood but start indoctrinate their children and normalize the killing of Palestinian children, imagine teaching your kid that killing other children is the way and image growing up in such toxic environment, no wonder they grow up as drug addicts alcoholics and on antidepressants for the rest of their lives, these are the kinds of zombies we are dealing with.
The world MUST unite against this plague of Zionism and have this cancerous tumor removed for good or it will cost mankind more than it has caused harm up till now, trust me if not removed it will only get worse and worse till the whole planet is under a Zionist NWO occupation, we are there soon if we don't act firmly against them, take warning seriously folks it's not joke this is deadly serious.
