Hypocracy On Display


Although I am glad the kid is back with her extended family but hearing that they are this loving family totally innocent in their home and got raided for no reason is absolutely absurd.
What kind if loving parents move with their kids they want to live in safety to a settlement lands stolen from others in the middle of a quiet war zone nevertheless a war zone and naively think now that they have moved on other peoples private property nothing bad ever would happen sometime in the future, I blame this on the parents of course, they put the lives of their children in harm's way, it's like a family moving next to an active volcano where land is cheap or in this case free if cost because it was stolen and believe it will never explode and when it does the whole family dies, who's to blame the dumb parents who else.
It blows my mind when these idiots on tv thinks it's perfectly ok for them to go steal other peoples property build on it and claim it for themselves and when the owner of the land tries to get them out he is called a terrorist by these criminal Zionists pigs, as if they wouldn't have done the same themselves damn hypocrites, you are absolutely disgusting people that's what you are, I hope you all go to hell and stay there. 
