IDFs Weak Propaganda

I told you the terrorist organization IDF will cook up something stupid about laptops soon, they never disappoint in that regard.
We are still waiting for evidence that the hospital was used as Hamas command center, I say it again, the Zionists they see things in numbers like we lost two steps but gained three then we lost on two points then won one, so on and so forth, as long as they win half if one percent they still see it as a win, so they don't care if they get debunked here and there, they look arouyand see if their propaganda got traction somewhere and that's good enough for them, then they just cancer go on to spread their sicknesses to another body, and that's how they keep on spreading corruption and that's how they keep on destroying the world, there is only one way to free the world from this Zionist murderous cancer, to cut it out of it's root and send it back to wherever hell they escaped from, there is no other way, you can't negotiate with cancer, it has to be eliminated, just cut it out and throw it out and make sure it never grow back again and when you have done that the whole world will love you for it.
