Israels Hidden Agenda

When you listen to their Zionist media they never ever mentioned any Israeli soldiers casualties, not one, as if when they engaged Hamas not one got killed in action on Israeli soil, this is very suspicious, they just want you not to think of it and only speak of , women got raped, women got beheaded, they even accused Hamas of necromancy, then the kids, beaheaded kids people being burned alive, while they have not shown any evidence of any of it, all they have and could have done ad did was to accuse Hamas with the worst things from the dictionary and hope it sticks without providing any evidence whatsoever, what we on the other hand have seen is huge holes in houses from heavy shelling that killed everyone inside these Jewish houses and Hamas doesn't have tanks and Apache helicopters firing if such weapons, the IDF shelled these buildings where perhaps Hamas fighters and captives were hold in those kabutses on occupied lands and we also have seen IDF apache helicopters firing on other Jewish civilian targets when they suspected Hamas were there too, we have seen the videos and it's not fake with clear footage of what went down here.
What happened on Oktober 7 was, the Zionist terrorist Israeli entity were looking for to have a reason to get revenge on Hezbollah for the defeat of the 33 Day War in 2006, they gave talked about it so many times that they want a rematch with Hezbollah, in order to do that they first needed to neutralize Hamas first, the West Bank they have nothing to worry about because the Zionist watchdog FATAH PLO are keeping the Palestinians there in check for their Zionist masters, when the Zionists have taken care of Hamas then the war with Hezbollah will begin, and don't believe the IDF when they say they are not looking forward to start a war with Hezbollah, they are lying of course, that's their whole objective, and in their mind when they have taken care of Hezbollah, Iran is next because now Irans allies next door to Israel has been neutralized, so expect a war with Hezbollah any time soon but it won't go as the Zionists thought it will go. Get prepared for a long devastating war in the ME ladies and gentlemen, perhaps WW3, and you all have seen who statted it all, the Zionists.
