It Doesn't Look Good

Unfortunately not much of a brain working there with some of these Arabs, yes I am very critical, instead of making all people like them they give people reason to oppose them in their cause, I mean what positive thing can ever come out of acting like a little thug going up against the police in a country that is not yours and you there as a guest, even if you have a residence ship over there, and people with less intellect though it was a cool a good idea posting it, I mean some of these people are so dumb words cannot describe them, if the police tells you to back off you do that respectfully, you can still make yourself seen and heard without making you look like a wild monkey, again not much of an intellect on display over here.
If you are an Arab reading this, tell these idiots that they are doing more harm than good, in fact they are only doing harm and no good, it's your responsibility as an Arab to make sure people act in a civilized manner, good luck.
