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Gal Gadot support the terrorist organization IDF that makes her a terrorist sympathizer that has killed more defenseless civilians women and children than any other terrorist organization, she can no longer play the role of a hero like wonder woman, this is out of question, it can't be done, and Madonna, she's in all that kaballa black magic nonsense and for someone her age her last few braines are burnt up so she doesn't know what's she's saying or doing and Natalie Portman, I still like her so I am gonna tolerate this one for now, she should put herself in Palestinian place who live in an open air concentration camp like Gaza and under siege in the West Bank before she defends these criminal crazy settlers, I am gonna tolerate this one because I deep down believe she is a good and a fair person, but this ignorance cannot excuse future misinformation by her, sure Hamas did some things wrong but the settlers have driven not just Hamas in Gaza crazy watching the settlers shoot Palestinian women children and elderly right out in the open, these facts the world needs to take in consideration too and not just think this attack came out of nothing.
