More Fake News

It doesn't make sense and I'll tell you why, an CT mashine is an expensive mashine and frequently used in a hospital, and it's not like you have many of these mashines around for one to say, well perhaps the hospital didn't use this one, it was just there collecting dust while they used another one, even the most well equipped hospitals have only one of these mashines so you can bet your bottom dollar that this CT mashine is s the only one in the hospital and it was in use till the electricity went off, that mean till a few days ago, and for you who know how this mashine works you know it's magnetic when on and for it to be able to work properly you cannot have any medal objects in the room, let alone like these Zionists have staged the scene making it look like a wearhouse and if you pay close attention the mashine is not even dusty, it's clean, meaning it was up and running till recently, all this indicates to me that this is a staged scene, but forget about this fake scene now, where is the command center and the tunnels and the rest of it, if it were surly they would have found it by now, I mean the Zionist terrorist Israeli IDF said they have clear undesputed proof of all it but instead they show a room with a bad with an AK-47 and that's it, as I have said, these thugs these child killers they are as rotten as it comes, their objective is to EMPTY Gaza on Palestinians and this hospital was a hub where people could gather at so they attacked it raided it to drive them more southwards and eventually into the desert, the Zionists are ethnically cleansing the area if non Zionist Jews.
