My Take On Things

I am gonna give my analytics take of what I think Iran knew or not about the Hamas attack, I don't think for a moment that Iran planned or helped planning the attack and the reason is very logical, the attack was of such simplicity that any morron could have planned it, it wasn't sophisticated at all, all that they did was to blow up a few segments of the Separation Wall, pour over and kidnap people and bring them back to use them to exchange with Palestinian hostages in Israel, sure they utilized gliders too no big deal, and that was it, also the reason I don't think Iran planned or even helped planning it is because if Iran did they would have made sure no kids no elderly and no killings of civilians would have happened, because if this stupidity Hamas made themselves look bad when they could have been much more successful if they only poured over and only brought the Zionists back to Gaza, but as incompetent and let's be frank dumb as their leaders and Hamas advisers are they made a good situation worse for themselves, I am thinking perhaps the Zionists have managed to poison their water to dumb them down and lower their IQ, I don't know just speculating, no I don't think Iran even knew about what would about to happen, look even independent intelligence services allies don't share military operation timings with each other, the lesser amount of people know about it the lesser chances of it getting exposed, if Iran would have planned it, it wouldn't gone as it did now, it would have been a 100% success, now Hamas is willing to exchange 50 captives for a few days of ceasefire, I am sure they are not Israelis but nevertheless, I also like to see the none Israelis getting back to their families sooner, the Israeli ones i think Hamas should definitely not agree on less than all Palestinian hostages in Israeli dungeons getting free.
I say it again, I view Hamas not as terrorists but as freedom fighters, not very bright ones but freedom fighters for their people nevertheless, the point here is, this is not about Hamas or any other of the Palestinian freedom fighters, this is about a people that has got their land stolen murdered on daily basis for the past 75 years, I am not doing this for any group, I am doing it for the oppressed people of Palestine, they have been suffering for too long and the Zionist terrorist Israelis still believe after all the harm and pain the Palestinians owes them something, this cannot be tolerated I refuse.
I also am not concerned about the Zionist murderous satanic Israelis would dare use nukes because Iran have many means under it's sleeves, one it to turn all of Israel except Yerusalem into a deadman land with chemical and biological weapons making sure nothing can stay alive there for hundred years and there are so many other things Iran can to exterminate the supporters of that disgusting regime and other things too, the chances of the Zionist regime using nukes is so very low that it's not worth even speculating of the responses to it so I am just going to leave it as it is.
What need to be talked about instead is how we can isolate and boycott the Zionists in the Holy Land.
